This stuff really bothers me to. Its like these people like to demonstrate there bad gammar too everyone. Get you're self together!
*edit: Sorry...EP already did this joke!
writing and speaking is all about communication.. if we are casually engaged the level of precision vanishes.
simple ideas=simplified language.. but, as we attempt to convey accuracy, specificity and numerical precision--what then?
without a clear standard is proper communication headed for extinction?.
This stuff really bothers me to. Its like these people like to demonstrate there bad gammar too everyone. Get you're self together!
*edit: Sorry...EP already did this joke!
i've always thought about this but have never received an answer on how the wbts explaiend the phenomenon.... to my understanding, every member of the wbts had the heavenly hope...however, by 2 classes were created...the heavenly, and earthly hope.... does anyone know the number of jw's as of that famous assembly of 1935 where the earthly hope was revealed and imposed?.
what is the wbts explanation for the thousands of jw's who had heavenly hope now all of a sudden have the earthly hope?.
this leads me to one dare this or any other organization determine what your hope or believe should be...shame on them.
Something that always struck me as odd was this:
Before 1935 EVERYONE was supposedly anointed. So think of the implications of this. The WTS is saying that from Jesus death to 1935 there were LESS than 144,000 faithful servants of God TOTAL. We have to include all the "anointed" 1st century Christians. All the Christians through the hundreds of years of history. And there were STILL 8000 partaking of the emblems.
The numbers just don't add up. As far as I know the teaching is STILL that everyone before 1935 was anointed. The only new teaching that I've heard is that the heavenly "calling" did not end in 1935 and still continues today. But to continue holding to a literal number of 144,000 is to commit mathematical suicide.
i have only 3 jw relatives.
they are fun to watch.
i just observe them now, and never make comment on jw things.
It's funny. I was thinking along these same lines today. Someone posted this pioneer "appreciation" dinner on youtube. The way the elder talked with mocked humility and all the "rules" that went into having dinner would have been funny if they were not so sad...
regarding the governing bodys new light relative to matthew 24:45-47, recently said the following:.
this new light certainly poses a problem for the governing body.
perhaps this is another reason why they have not yet published a sober and scriptural xplanation of this new light.
In the past I've noticed that they've waited til April before releasing info on the new light. I've been waiting for the April WT's to come out assuming that they'd be there.
judaism claims that the way to god is through obeying endless rules allegedly imposed by god.
the great philosopher immanuel kant claimed that judaism wasn't a religion at all, but a mere body of laws.
This is a different explanation of Gnosticism that I have ever heard.
You say that to alot of people, Band. Yet, I've read the same about Gnosticism. I've never posted any of my own views of it because I haven't studied it in depth. But maybe there is more to Gnosticism than just what Elaine told you about.
I found much of what ProdigalSon wrote about Gnosticism in other sources as well. For example:
It says: "The interior center of knowledge, with no need for an intermediary, is a familiar theme that manifests in Rosicrucian studies and practice. Gnostics viewed the role of their savior or revealer to be to awaken people, rather than to die for their salvation or to be sacrificed for their sins. Dr. Meyer writes, "The gnostic revealer discloses knowledge that frees and awakens people, and that helps them recall who they are. When enlightened, gnostics can live life appropriate for those who know themselves and god (the divine). They can return back to the beginning, when they were one with god (the Divine)." There would be no need for a church, holy book, or god; since you ARE god.
I'm not sure why you have this need to tell everyone that they are wrong when they speak about gnosticism. Taking "A" class on gnosticism doesn't make one an expert. And I am by no means an expert either. But what I quote about gnosticism is never my own.
how many times have you heard this one?
" that way they will be resurrected and not be destroyed at armegeddon".
which brings me to another resurrection question.
I have a lot of guilt about this subject. I felt this way so often. I wished that my grandma would die so she would be resurrected. I even recall praying that she would die soon so that she would make it to the new system.
This really shows the power that cults have. It also shows the screwed up idea that they have about God and who He is.
usually i read through the study article for the week to see if there are good points of discussion with my family.. when i read this paragraph, i nearly fell off my chair.
this is complete and utter garbage.
i have had discussions with my wife and other family members who also agreed it was complete rubbish.
Hence, what they decide in such matters after seeking Jehovah's help in prayer will reflect his point of view "
The point that I find deceptive in this statement is that they WILL reflect his point of view. It would be an understandable (and somewhat accurate) statement if they said, "Hence, what they decide in such matters after seeking Jehovah's help in prayer should reflect his point of view." But this statment is written to the rank and file JWs. The GB is trying to instill confidence in the flock that whatever the elders say comes directly from Jehovah.
Like Blondie said, they are speaking out of both sides of their mouth. On one hand it is claimed that they are not inspired and not infallible. But on the other side, whatever they decide IS God's point of view.
if creepy contact lenses, facial piercings and people who talk insanely fast (and over-use the word "legit") are not your thing, then don't watch this video!.
however, if those things don't bother you, and you're curious about the "nuclear" way to eject jehovah's witnesses from one's doorstep, this video explains how this can be done swiftly and effectively..
i can actually remember at least a couple of instances where someone revealed they were gay on the doorstep to my partner and i and this didn't get rid of us immediately, but it did force us onto the back foot.
Awesome! Aint that the truth? He can have piercings, two different colored eyes, have extreme ADD, and swear like a sailor, and yet it is him saying "I'm Gay" that scared em off.
hello, i am new and i feel soooo wrong about being here.
anyway i am an m.s and have been disillusioned ever since the new understanding that came out in october.
i have read many things on this board that i have and also have not thought about.
When I first was waking up to the organization there was something that really turned me off. I would talk to some that had left or were at least "awake" to TTATT, and they were knowledgable, respectful, and knew what to say and how to talk to someone who was terrified that they were making a wrong decision (me).
But then I would talk to others that were so bitter, angry, and disrespectful, and it almost made me want to run back to the organization. They were the ones that the society warned me about!!!
I think we need to be careful of how we talk to someone just leaving. They are looking for people to be blasphemous to God. I know that we've all been hurt by the organization because of feeling lied to, betrayed, etc. and we want to express it. But using terms like "Witchtower", "Jerkhoobah", "Beth Hell", etc just turns people off. Don't we want to help people that are in the beginning stages of waking up? Why let our bitterness contribute to driving them away again?
I don't mean to judge anyone here. But someone just starting to question is very fragile. Most of us have read "Combatting Cult Mind Control". Using terms that are "disrespectful" of the organization will not do any good. Hasaan would not have been helped as well if, when he was deprogramming, he was exposed to bitterness and terms that he considered disrespecful to the Moonies. I think we all need to watch what we say, especially when trying to help a newly awakening Witness...
hello, i am new and i feel soooo wrong about being here.
anyway i am an m.s and have been disillusioned ever since the new understanding that came out in october.
i have read many things on this board that i have and also have not thought about.
MSconcerned: Regarding what Londo just said, here may be a good place to start with your research. This is a point that woke many of us up to TTATT (the truth about the truth). There are some great comments and research that went into this thread.